Awesome magic tricks box from Djeco (Exit left Harry Potter, you aren’t that cool anymore!)

Djeco magic kit. Toby & Roo :: Inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.

Experti Magus is such a stylish version of a magic kit. Containing 15 tricks this is perfect for any budding enthusiast!

Djeco magic kit. Toby & Roo :: Inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.

15 tricks for kids to learn and do.

Do you have a budding magician in your family who just can’t help but show you all their new magic tricks? Well as a child (and still now) I loved magic tricks – they are so much fun and it is something that really bridges ages and genders.

This set from Djeco is officially the coolest set on the market and so much fun! The kit is aimed at 6 – 12 year olds and contains 15 tricks, but what makes it so unique is the way that is is styled, not a gaudy colour or overstated ‘wands’ etc in sight.

I love this set and I think any little one with a flare for the magical will to. Find it here.

Harriet x

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