There is something so special about reading and using your imagination.
Something I love to do is read. It can’t be a better way to transport yourself to a whole new realm, where anything is possible. This is something that my husband and I disagree over all of the time, he hates reading and tells me he never liked it, even as a child. It bores him, he’d much rather see a movie or watch something on telly. I have often said to him that, though I love telly as much as the next girl (how the hell else would I get to adore Kit Harington aka Jon Snow if not on TV, right?) I do find it so limiting. Where is the boundless imagination? And let me tell you, imagination is soooo much better than having someone else lay it out on a movie for you.
So, though we disagree on the TV vs Reading thing, one thing we both agree on is that we want to make sure the boys love reading and have lots of chances to really enjoy that. The boys have a bookcase in their bedroom and it is over flowing with books! We have everything you can imagine, from classics to modern art books – just everything! Here are a few of our current favourites:
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
- The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy
- Gangsta Granny by David Walliams
- Everybody Poos by Tarō Gomi
- Matilda by Roald Dahl
- Lundravar the dragon by John A Blakey
- The Tale of Mr Tod by Beatrix Potter
These are just a few of our favourites, we have so many more. I think it’s vitally important for children to read and be taught to read. It’s about encouraging the imagination and allowing the mind to blossom for itself. When we watch TV all we get is someone else’s version of a story. How many times have you read a book that has been turned into a film, gone to see the film and then said ‘Woahhhh now, that’s not how it happened!’ or ‘That guy didn’t look like that, he’s totally different!’.
Not only is it imperative that we teach children to utilise their own minds but, if you think about it really carefully, when in life so you not need reading skills? You’re reading right now, you will read when you go to the supermarket, you will read road signs… we are constantly reading something, so in my opinion encouraging a love of literature is super important for future generations, especially with the technology temptation!
If you want more suggestions on what to read check out my what we read series.
Harriet x
Adam was a lazy child in the respect he loved to be told stories and read too. The pictures in the book were of more interest and he told himself a totally different story to what was in the book. However, he would read sports pages in the newspaper and articles of interest – oh and comic strips. It wasn’t that he couldn’t read as he could read very well by the age of 5 years he just was never interested in what anyone else had to say, his own imagination and stories seemed more exciting and interesting to him and those who listened, mainly his cousins and little friends. xxx Keep up the excellent work Harriet, we love to read your blog.
Haha Debbie – typical second child. Toby is just like Daddy, loves the pictures, not so much the words, though I’m hoping that will change! In the years I’ve known Adam he will often buy a sports related book – but it has to be factual. He hates the fiction side of things! On a plus side, he knows himself and what he likes! Thank you so much for your support, it means the world, and I love being able to share my thoughts and feelings on the blog xx