The wonderful table decor from Little Lulubel! How cool are those hats, and yes before you ask, the adults all wore them!
Reuben’s birthday party was a huge success and I wanted to share some of our decoration tips with you all. The table decor was made super easy by the wonderful Natalia at Little Lulubel, who has such an eye for putting together amazing table decor packs and party bags. It really takes the pressure off trying to find different bits and bobs that match and worrying that you have forgotten something as simple as the napkins! Below are a few pictures of the table decor that Natalia put together for our ‘cars, trucks and construction’ themed party.

The place mats meant that all the kids knew where to sit and there was no shuffling around or missing plates! The dump trucks on the table went down a treat – functional but super fun for all the kids!

For the crisps I used a big dump truck with a smaller one for the dip. I repeated this as often as needed for the tables, theres no point in having one thing on one table and not on the others if you are having a lot of kids… they will only move about to get what they want!

The hard hats were so popular! You can buy these separately from Little Lulubel – I think they make a great gift for any truck enthusiast!

There are no tacky or irritating characters on Little Lulubel’s party kits. Thats one of the things I loved so much! We got the chance to leave Lightening McQueen at home for once and the older children at the party didn’t feel like they were sat at a ‘baby table’.
The table cloth from Little Lulubel has a plastic backing so any spills (of which there were a few!) didn’t leak through to the table and were easily contained. I loved the fact that at the end of a long afternoon I could literally pick up the corners of the table cloths and bundle everything up in a sack, knowing it wasn’t going to leak!
The plates, cups and straws are all paper, so environmentally friendly too!
I added a few personal touches to the table after all the theme was a ‘trucks’ and ‘construction’ so we had some large dump trucks on the table filled with crisps and other nibbles – this was super popular and everyone loved it! Everyone (including most of the dads!) loved the play hard hats, which we gave to all the kids to take home with them, I also bought some construction tape and put it across the front of the door and the kids had to walk through to get to the ‘construction zone’ – so much fun!
It doesn’t have to be particularly difficult or expensive to make a child’s party really special, but with the additional help from Little Lulubel I really did feel like I was free to be a bit creative and relax about the whole event!
You can visit the Little Lulubel site here, Natalia has put together some awesome sets to suit every need!
Harriet x
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