Meal Plan 13/03

Hello my love, welcome back to the weekly meal planner, and if ever I needed proof that a meal planner is needed in this house than last week was it. I did some more of an unintentional experiment. I couldn’t be bothered to do a meal plan last week, I was really busy and thought oh it won’t really make much of a difference, but I was wrong. What I found was that I saved so much more money doing a meal plan and sticking to it, than I did last week where I just bought whatever I thought we needed when I thought we needed it. It’s really surprised me how much money and time (sanity) meal planning actually saves me. So without further ado, let’s get into this week.

Monday :: Soy & Ginger Salmon

We will be going away at the end of the week, so I want to try and eat as much of the food out of the fridge and freezer as possible. We’re not big on fish in this family, so I will be doing a mixture of fish for some of us and chicken for others! This recipe is from Waitrose.

Tuesday :: Reuben’s Birthday

A meal of his choice!

Wednesday :: Taco Pasta

 This looks like the perfect recipe for everyone, it’s got the past of the Edith, the Mexican for Toby and I think it will go down well! Recipe is from The Cosy Cook. 

Thursday :: Airfryer Chimichanga

You may or may not have seen me, mention, I have an air fryer… I have been very excited about it! Chimichangas are one of Reuben’s absolute favourite so we will be giving these ago in the air fryer. Recipe is from project meal plan.

Friday :: Chicken stuffed peppers

This is really dependent on whether or not I can find any peppers… They seem to be so difficult to come by at the moment, but this recipe from Nyssa’s kitchen looks amazing! 

And that’s it for the rest of the week we’re going to be away so there won’t be a meal plan next week.

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