Bored on a rainy day, these free printables are perfect for helping you out. Not only are they creative but they are fun too!

Who wouldn’t be so excited to receive a gift wrapped in this?

This is so perfect for Reuben right now, you can guarantee I will be downloading and printing this!
Ahh some days I come across things that just make me wish I could be a touch more creative. This is one of those days.
I’ve been looking for various things that I can print to help teach Toby some more words, you know, general stuff like colours (as he is at the back end of a phase where everything is blue haha!), shapes and animals. I came across the brilliant TinyMe blog and their printables gold mine. I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot (and also incredibly inadequate as a blogger and parent!)
There is everything on here from printable cards to help your child learn colours and the such to printables for your own diary to help make it a little more pleasing to the eye. There are printable toys, such as this wonderful mail box, printable accessories (hello, fruit gift bags) and even printable chores charts (which is so up our street right now, what with Reuben’s new pocket money chart, which I wrote about here.)
So, if you are bored and it’s raining outside (because, you know, May and all) then you need to head over to TinyMe’s blog and get creative. Seriously.
Harriet x
Thank you very much for this beautiful article, I enjoy reading it. I appreciate your thoughts and views. Great work.
Excellent game board!
Nice, It is new. 👿