Well it’s been a right summer hasn’t it? I mean, all hail the sunshine and extreme heat spells, but I’m ready for a bit of Autumn. Now, I know the summer lovers amongst you will be shrieking at your screens and insisting it’s STILL summer or another couple of weeks but hun, I’m British and that means the official seasons are bollocks and I go off whether or not I can get out of the shower in the morning without poking myself in the eye with a nipple because it’s so freezing. So, with that lovely image in mind, it’s Autumn.
With Autumn comes several things – pumpkin spice lattes (want to love it, hate it), moaning about the weather even more than usual and a fashion change over.
Today we are here for a fashion change over.
I want to talk about autumn fashion, and my fave finds at the moment – especially for those mornings when you want to just throw something on but be a.) warm enough and b.) look vaguely well put together.
Autumnal Dresses

Dresses are the ultimate in easy wears that actually look really smart. I am a huge fan of an autumnal dress. For me, it’s all about midi and avoiding maxi or mini – maxi might sound like a great idea but you know what doesn’t feel great? The wet from a puddle creeping slowly up your legs after your skirt has dragged it’s way through. That’s what. Grim.
Anyway, I’m loving this M&S dress from the Holly Willoughby collection, (pictured above) I’ve just ordered it so I am really excited to see what it looks like on me, big love for the fact that M&S does up to size 24.

I’m also a fan of adding a splash of colour to Autumn. We have a tendancy to head into dark colour territory and I don’t think we need to! This dress from & Other Stories is lush, it’s bright and colourful and could easily be layered too.

Remember THAT Zara dress, the one that had the nation rocking the Dalmatian look? WELL. This, friends, is that dress, but in red leopard print. It’s like someone at Zara said “Well, I don’t think we can do any better that the spotty dress people.” and a colleague said “Hold my skinny venti soy latte” (because no one at Zara actually drinks coffee). Anyway, may you purchase this and be happier than the model.

I’m here for H&M knitwear – they rarely let me don’t and their jumpers are usually so cheap but so well made. I’m loving this one this year, multiple colours available and ideal for putting over a dress for the early mornings and then taking off later on. If you aren’t a dress person, they are a versatile option to layer over trousers, jeans, skirts… everything basically, they are good for everything. Just buy some.

Mint Velvet coming through with the leopard print – I really think that Autumn, more than any other season, is a time to experiment with patterns and prints.
Tops & Shirts

This top from Next is just bang on for Autumnal trends, several colour variations and high neck to keep you warm – perfect for dressing up for work or dressing down with jeans.

As far as shirts go, this little beauty from ASOS is a winner for me. I’m loving the frill, and those sleeves – yes please. This also comes in the most luxurious green.

LOVE this from M&S – I’ve just ordered it myself so will wait to see what it’s like – safe to say I love Pussybow shirts.

Also ordered these beauties from M&S – and oh how lush they look. Team them up with that frill shirt above and you’re on to an easy winner.

My friends, Next jeans are the shiz. They even do inbetween sizes for everyone who hollers “argh, I’m between a 14/16” – well, now you are a 15. Welcome to a new era. I chose these lovelies because they come in a variety of colours and they look fabulous.
H 🙂
OMG i want it all!