Cherche et trouve sur le 5 continents – Thierry Laval. Excellent book that not only helps kids to be more observant but also helps them pick up French!

I love that the illustrations in the book are so great, but the fact that the words are in french too, makes this book an original, in my opinion!

The double pages open out, so your child is given a list of things to find, then opens the book out to find them! Easy and fun, with no extra lists to keep check off or limited space to find the objects.
If you are a regular Toby & Roo reader (or you follow the what we read series) you will know that I am a huge fan of “spot it” books, especially with my boys being so young, it’s something that they can do together and something that really does interest them (and me!). You may remember my post about one of our favourites Mamoko here?
Anyway, I have come across another fabulous books from Thierry Laval called Cherche et Trouve sur le 5 continent. Basically translated as Search & Find across the 5 continents – and that is exactly what you do. Each page is a double page that opens out to double size. From there you have a list of things to search for and when you find them, the words are written in french, which I love because I am a firm believer in teaching children to speak a second language!
The illustrations in the book are superb and the objects are simple but fun to find.
You can get hold of the book here.
Harriet x