Nothing in the fridge? Quick frittata recipe for tasty picnics this Easter!

Easy Easter Frittata recipe via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.

This is just a simple cheese and onion frittata for a quick snack during the Easter holidays, but you can make any kind of frittata using whatever is in your fridge!

We’re all about eggs at this time of year aren’t we? I’m convinced that egg sales must sky rocket, and I don’t mean chocolate eggs. So those of you that have a family that doesn’t really eat eggs all that often but went out and bought that pack of eggs to make your child the painted egg for school and you now have loads left over? This is for you.

How to make the tastiest frittata for those Easter holiday picnics and nibbles.

  • 8 – 10 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups of cheese, grated
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • Splash of cream or milk
  • salt and pepper
  • Whatever else you can find – tomatoes, bacon, ham, courgettes, mushrooms, peppers… anything!

You know those recipes that claim to be idiot proof and then you have to have a cookery degree to get them quite right? This is not one of those.

Set your oven to GM 6, 400 F, 200C.

Beat your eggs up, add your cheese, salt and pepper. Fry your onions for roughly 2-3 mins until they are translucent and cooked. If you have anything else that you want to fry or cook then do it now (top tip: peppers are great in frittatas, I like them roasted.)

Add everything to a pie dish (or flan dish) and bake for 30-40mins. There should be no movement in the middle and a skewer should come out clear.

Boom. Picnic hard my friends.

Harriet x

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