Making Pomanders

Making pomanders. Obviously the cows enjoyed helping (eating the cloves) too!

Making pomanders. Obviously the cows enjoyed helping (eating the cloves) too!

Pomanders are a wonderful thing to make at this time of year and so much fun! They cost hardly anything and make a really lovely addition to a hamper for grandparents or family. Essentially a pomander is an orange stuffed with cloves and other spices to make homemade potpourri that is a great decoration to boot.

I remember making pomanders as a child with my mother and I came into the living room the other day to the familiar sight of a bowl of cloves and several oranges. The smell was wonderful and bought back so many memories!

Reuben was sat with a knitting needle (heavily supervised I might add) poking little holes into his orange and then slotting cloves into the holes. He was having a blast and really concentrating on make these wonderful little things. It was great to see him and my Mum doing something together that I loved so much as a child, and of course they were making one for me so I now have a wonderful smelling bedroom and office!

Those perfect little hands.

Those perfect little hands.

To make a pomander with your own kids, you will need some oranges, cloves and a sharp knitting needle or skewer (just be careful they don’t pierce the orange to far and cut themselves!) Its also nice to collect some holly, berries, small pine cones and other things to position around the pomander on a decorative plate if you are using as a centre piece.

Harriet x

P.s – If you want you can burn the pomanders as well. It is best on a log burner but is doable in an oven and will leave your house smelling glorious!

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