Our Water Babies photoshoot

The Water Babies sibling shoots are great, you can join in too!

The Water Babies sibling shoots are great, you can join in too!

I have mentioned that my boys do swimming classes with Water Babies before, but this is the first time I have had the chance to show you pictures of a photoshoot!

Someone pointed out to me that this reminded them of the iconic 'Nirvana' album cover! Toby's new claim to fame?

Someone pointed out to me that this reminded them of the iconic ‘Nirvana’ album cover! Toby’s new claim to fame?

Every time he gets underwater. I love it!

Every time he gets underwater. I love it!

I am super proud of the boys, and I love the way that Water Babies do their photoshoots, especially the sibling shoots, it has captured such a wonderful and special moment that my boys have shared. I just well up with pride when I see it!!

If you want more information about underwater photoshoots, or Water babies swimming you can find it here.

Harriet x

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